11 Mistakes to Evade in Embroidery Digitizing

At Absolute Digitizing, we strive for perfection in all aspects of embroidery digitizing design! With our in- house experts, it is a feat we accomplish proudly. After all, every digitizer aims to produce an immaculate and accurate result. However, we are human and strongly believe in expanding our learning curve. As our philosophy is that sharing is caring, we will share our experiences with you, our esteemed customer and partner. Read on to learn what are the top eleven mistakes to avoid in the world of embroidery digitizing.

Lock Those Stitches

Yes, it’s still about those stitches. They are paramount to maintaining a high quality of your embroidery digitizing design and final output. Now, if you are working with spandex, jackets, knits or jerseys, add a few lock stitches and be assured that the material will not disentangle.

The Right Density

Deducing the precise density for embroidery digitizing is a crucial part of the digitizing process. Density can be calculated as the length of the space between individual threads that formulate the stitches.

Your embroidery digitizing software will compute the density based on one-tenth of a millimeter or a millimeter. Inferring exact density levels depends on the class of material being stitched on, thread thickness and type, as well as the incorporation of special feature effects (color blending, shading etc). If the density is on the higher side, then the embroidery design may be too thick and if on the lower side, fabric gaps will be evident. We wouldn’t want that, now would we?

Watch Out for that Underlay Stitch!

Underlay Stich

An underlay is a hidden stitch that acts as the backbone of the design. It stabilizes the fabric in question as it provides a leveled surface to perform embroidering upon, thereby allowing smooth sewing. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Through practice, you will know how to identify which kind of stitch will suit a fabric and what trajectory it should follow. Underlay stitching decreases the visibility of fabric nap, particularly in wool and fleece. Your efforts in crafting the embroidery design could be wasted if it descends into the material itself and make holes visible.

Stitch Routes

Enliven your stitch direction by sewing at diverse angles and beautify your embroidery digitizing design further. After all, variety is the spice of life! Ultimately, the stitches should not all follow the same path. Final design will be too plain and unattractive.

Plan, plan and plan!

Your plan will be your new best friend and the source of your work comfort. An experienced digitizer allocates sufficient time to planning his work road map and anticipates any possible blockages. This will save significant costs in terms of time and energy.
Plan for Embroidery Digitizing Business

A strong, powerful design commences from its back end to its frontage. The designer will plan for eclectic color tones and will begin threading with the primary background shade. He will ascertain the same color stitches have spread across all the threads. Through the pathing technique, the next color section will start without the needle being disturbed or being elevated.

Of course, there are exceptional scenarios when this may not occur and thread shades will have to be reapplied.  Keeping a sharp eye out on the lock stitches, jumps and trims will enable a production conducive and high-quality design.


Push or pull? Pull or push? The “push and pull” impact on embroidery digitizing has to be appropriately compensated and customized as per fabric requirements. Materials tend to shift around during embroidery processes and can cause stitch disruption. Assigning the right value to compensation will avoid situations where underlay stitches will be discernible.

Size Matters

If you are working with an image or logo with lowercase letters, do review the size rules as size does matter here. Building the height of the letters to match 5 mm is the preferred norm with the column width being between 0.8 to 1 mm for a fine finish.

Fabric Matters too

Hey, fabric matters too. The quality and nature of the material upon which embroidery digitizing is being performed will have an effect on the overall appearance as well. Ask your customer which fabric is desirable for him to have his branding on. The type of stitches, density of the fabric and other factors will formulate the decision.

Test it Out

Before you take your digitized logo/image out for a spin and finalize it, it is imperative that you review your work. Perform a thorough, comprehensive check of its specs, dimensions and thread thickness and be absolutely satisfied that it is absolutely digitized (Yes, pun intended!)

Know Product’s Application

It may be evident, yet the most experienced embroidery digitizers tend to make mistakes in application. For instance, a right chest design cannot be applied on hats as it may alter the design. For caps, the norm is to commence stitching from the center and work your way to the right side whilst moving in all directions.

We take the responsibility of embroidery digitizing your designs very seriously. Our internal team of embroidery digitizers practice strict adherence to quality assurance and performance parameters. This helps us to avoid issues that range from redundant jumps, extra trims, poor compensation levels and extreme color variations. Want to try us out? Give us a call or send an email and let’s foster a great working relationship.

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